The IV International Congress on Infusion Therapy Proceedings

Transfusion surgeries and infusion therapy in patients with malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after splenectomy
Analysis of age and associated pathology in patients with hip artoprosthesics
The influence of myocardoprotection on the course of postinfarction chronic heart failure
Efficacy of ademol in experimental cranial injury on the effect of oxidative stress
Application of L-arginine in patients with hypertension in combination with COPD in aspect of effect on platelet activity
Application of sorbitol-based infusion preparation for protein-protecting effect in surgery patients with middle breast cancer
Application of the “Trio” pharmacotherapy regimen in patients with chronic arterial insufficiency IIb-III
Infusion intravenous IgG replacement therapy for hypogammaglobulinemia after anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies at patients with non-hodgkin’s malignant lymphomas
Transfusion therapy optimization at an acute obstetric blood loss
Personification of infusion therapy in patients with ischemic stroke depending on the severity of the violation of energy-structural status
Comparative study of the influence of colloid-hyperosmolar and protein-salt solutions on anti-inflammatory and detoxification processes in rats with burn shock
Problems of safety and quality of donor blood components
Problems of infectious safety of donor blood components
Fast Track Surgery in laparoscopic treatment of inguinal hernias
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with coronary heart disease of elderly age groups
The experience of L-arginine using in placental insufficiency
Study of the effects of the principle of low-volume infusion therapy
Antibiotics using in Georgia: clinical and epidemiological features
Peculiarities of antimicrobial therapy of viral-bacterial pneumonia in patients with coronavirus disease