Submission requirements for articles and abstracts

1. Materials must be submitted in Ukrainian (for citizens of Ukraine), and in Russian or English (for foreign citizens).

2. Abstracts of reports presented in Ukrainian or Russian must be submitted with translation into English.

3. The volume of abstracts (together with the English translation) should not exceed 2 A4 pages.

4. Formating setting:

- Microsoft Word 93-2010 editor;

- Times New Roman font (size 12 pt), line spacing - 1.5;

- margins on all sides - 2.0 cm.

- the file name must contain the author's last name in English (for example: Petrenko.doc)

- in case of several abstracts, last name of the first author and the first word of the paper title should be added after the dot (for example: Andrienko.Aktualni.doc).

The Required Structure of Abstracts *:

- title of paper in capital letters;

- last name and initials of an author/authors;

- full name of an institution (establishment, organization, department where the paper was completed), city, country;

- purpose of the research, materials and methods of its implementation, received  results and discussion, conclusions, keywords (without paragraphs).

5. The text of abstracts should not contain figures, formulas and references to literature;

6. All abbreviations (with the exception of generally accepted units of measurement) can be used only after mentioning the full term (for example: Ministry of Health of Ukraine (hereinafter - the MoH of Ukraine));

7. The title of abstracts should not contain abbreviations, as well as proprietary (trade) names of medicines, medical equipment, medical products;

8. There should be no spelling or stylistic errors in the text

9. A file with abstracts has to be attached in an e-mail;

10. The information "For correspondence" is added to the abstracts in a separate file: full name, name of institution, work address, telephone and email. The author responsible for liaising with the editorial board of the collection is listed first. The file name repeats the file name of the abstract and also contains the word "Author" after the dot (for example: Petrenko.Author.doc)


- abstracts that do not meet the above requirements or are not submitted on time WILL NOT BE REVIEWED AND PUBLISHED.

- the authors are responsible for the content of the materials.

* Sample


Andrienko A.Yu. 1, Udovenko M.V. 2 

1 Kharkiv State Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine 

2 Municipal Clinical Emergency Care Hospital, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Materials and methods.Text

Results and discussions.Text


Key words. Text

Materials in the specified format should be submitted to the email address, indicating “Abstracts_Petrenko_Infusion_Congress” in the subject line, where “Petrenko” is the last name of the author of the abstracts. 
