Videos of all reports from the 4th International Congress on Infusion Therapy are already available on YouTube!

The 4th International Congress on Infusion Therapy was held more than a month ago. This year it was online and gathered more than 30,000 participants. We are pleased to announce that all videos of reports and master classes have already uploaded on the official YouTube channel of the Congress!
In total more than 300 videos were prepared, as each report is recorded in both Ukrainian and Russian.
For your convenience, all videos were divided into sections. You can watch them by the links below:
- Obstetrics, gynecology
- Anesthesiology, resuscitation
- Reports, master classes for nurses / nurses
- Surgery
- Tuberculosis
- Therapeutic direction (cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, therapy, family medicine)
- Clinical transfusiology
- Pulmonology
- Oncology
- All reports and announcements of the Congress (12-13.10.2020)
If you don’t know from which video start watching, review the program of the Congress. We added a hyperlink on video for each report.
Now all visitors of the site will be able to go directly from the program to the desired report, which is uploaded on the YouTube channel of the Congress.
Please note that the reports from the III International Congress on Infusion Therapy, which took place in October 2016, are also available for viewing on our YouTube channel.
We wish you a pleasant viewing!