The theses of the Congress on Infusion Therapy are published in the "Infusion & Chemotherapy" journal

Dear participants! The theses of reports, which were received within the IV International Congress on Infusion Therapy, were published in the online version of the "Infusion & Chemotherapy" journal on October 11th.
All materials you may find on the official website of the journal. Note that all theses were received DOI digital identifiers.
The scientific journal "Infusion & Chemotherapy" was founded in 2018. Published 4 times a year. State registration certificate КВ № 23573-13413ПР. ISSN 2663-0338. DOI 10.32902/2663-0338.
The journal is included in the list of scientific professional editions approved by the Attestation Board (formerly the Higher Attestation Commission) of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine.