👾 Telegram chatbot of the "International Congress on Infusion Therapy" platform is now available! Join in!

For the additional convenience of all participants of our events we announce a smart online assistant – Telegram chatbot "Infusion Therapy" has been developed (on Ukrainian). It will help with registration, contains announcements of all our events, interesting news, links to current videos, etc.
What is needed to use a chatbot❓
- be registered for at least one of our online conferences
- Telegram messenger must be installed on your smartphone
- follow the link, share the phone number (you had to be register on our events on this number), click on the "Start" button and your assistant will be ready to work
How can it be useful❓ The Telegram chatbot provides an opportunity to quickly:
- Register for an online conference
- View the program of the event
- Go to watch the YouTube playlist with videos that are relevant during the war (infusion therapy options, combat trauma)
- Find a playlist of reports about COVID-19 (over 110 videos)
- Get acquainted with the news on the website
- Join the Facebook community
- Subscribe to the YouTube channel
- Contact technical support
❗We recommend you to subscribe on our Facebook-page and YouTube channel. It is regularly updated with interesting and relevant video-reports of well-known Ukrainian and international speakers in the field of medicine.