Specialists at the Session of Anesthesiologists Will Talk about the Recovery of Patients after Surgery

Lectures by leading anesthesiologists will take place on October 12 and 13 at the IV International Congress on Infusion Therapy.
11 speakers have already confirmed their participation. On the opening day of the Congress at 12:00 a special guest from Denmark, Professor Henrik Kehlet, will speak. He will talk about his own concept of enhanced recovery of patients after surgery (ERAS) and multimodal anelgesia.
On October 12, experts will focus on the following topics:
• Aid in case of disorders in the work of the
cardiovascular system;
• Pain relief;
• Sedation;
• Ventilation support.
On October 13, anesthesiologists will discuss the features of infusion therapy in patients with a therapeutic profile during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as infusion therapy for traumatic shock and burn sepsis. In the obstetric anesthesiology block, specialists will talk about sedation, obstetric blood loss, priorities in choosing infusion solutions.
The session of anesthesiologists will be closed by domestic specialists with the antibacterial therapy block, during which there will be a discussion of antimicrobial therapy for pneumonia in patients with coronavirus disease and antibacterial therapy for purulent-necrotic complications of diabetes mellitus.
As previously reported, presentations and discussions will be presented at the Congress with participation of famous scientists from Ukraine and foreign countries, including Great Britain, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, and Slovakia.
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