Thank you for participating in the 4th International Congress on Infusion Therapy!

Dear participants of the 4th International Congress on Infusion Therapy! The organizing committee is sincerely grateful to everyone who have been with us during these two days! We hope you have learned a lot!
Please look through the key information on the results of the Congress.
On October 13th, at the official closing of the Congress, a resolution was adopted. Its text you may found by the link (only in Ukrainian).
If you were unable to be online on October 12 and 13, or missed the lecture you are interested in, the lectures will be available in your personal account next 2 weeks (until October 28th). You can review them at any time convenient for you.
After October 28th, we will upload videos on the Congress YouTube channel. Don't want to miss this? Subscribe!
From October 14th, all participants without a lectures (listeners) can upload their certificate in their personal account or send it by e-mail already.
To obtain certificates for speakers of thematic sections and speakers with poster and oral reports, please contact the Organizing Committee of the Congress (see the "Contacts" page).
The results of all quizzes indicating the winners we will publish in the "News" section after October 16th. Follow the news.
Representatives of the Congress partners will contact all the winners of the quizzes to deliver the prizes.
Within two days, hundreds of questions were received from the lectures of 9 sections. We did not count on such a large number, but we are very happy. Therefore, we will need more time to process them and get answers to questions from the speakers.
All questions with answers for each section we will publish in the "News" section starting from October 19th. Follow the news.