Leading Specialists of the Obstetric Section Will Talk about Difficult Cases of Pregnancy and Childbirth

On October 12 and 13, as part of the obstetric section at the IV
International Congress on Infusion Therapy, Ukrainian and foreign
speakers will discuss clinical cases of complicated pregnancy -
from formation and planning to the stage of labor
Scientists will talk about the condition of pregnant women in the
first trimester and analyze threatening conditions that occur
just before childbirth in the third trimester. Critical
situations with obstetric bleeding will be analyzed.
In addition, specialists will provide clinical recommendations
for the management of birth: obstructive, with a long period
without amniotic fluid.
Christian Breimann, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Director of the Perinatal Center in Zurich (Switzerland) will
take part in the obstetric section.
Colleagues from Uzbekistan will also share their experience with
the audience: prof. Karimov A.Kh., prof. Eshymbetova G.S. and
prof. En-Din K.D.
Natural Childbirth or Cesarean Section, as well as Topical Issues of Gynecology
On October 13, the specialists of the obstetric section will
continue lectures on natural childbirth and childbirth with
caesarean section. Leading gynecologists will focus on discussing
gynecological conditions, cases of gynecological endocrinology
and cervical pathology in order to prolong the woman's
reproductive period.
Let us recall that in the context of the pandemic, the IV
International Congress on Infusion Therapy will be held online
for the first time. More than 20,000 participants will be
involved in the Congress. This year, the event promises to be the
largest one for the medical community of Ukraine!