Teleconference bridge "Infusion Therapy School"

One of the methods of solving problems faced by doctors of various specialties is adequate, balanced, safe and rational infusion therapy. The role of such therapy in the treatment of the patient, its volume and composition depend on certain clinical situations.
Infusion therapy is an important tool of the clinician in the treatment of many diseases and syndromes that accompany various pathological conditions. This powerful treatment method is used to eliminate intoxication, improve microcirculation, rheological properties of blood, restore the volume of circulating blood in case of hypovolemia, replenish the deficiency of certain substances, maintain the body's energy balance.
And it becomes clear that modern infusion therapy is a powerful tool for the treatment of many patients who experience loss or pathological change of important and sometimes vital body functions.
All these prerequisites served as the reason for the Infusion Therapy School.
The event will take place on Thursday, March 25th, in online format.
Time: 13:00 - 17:00.
Participation in the thematic teleconference is free, registration is required. The number of participants is limited.