Preview of Sections for Pulmonologists and Phthisiologists

It is the first time in the history of the Congress when Pulmonology is represented as a separate section. Today we experience pandemic SARS-COV-2 (СOVID-19) and Pulmonology Departments become the first ones to combat pandemic disease. That is why the leading scientists and experts will share their experience and best practices within the Section for Pulmonologists on October 12.
The key topic: “Pneumonia in the context of pandemic SARS-COV-2 (СOVID-19). Professional opinion regarding surveillance of patients with pneumonia.”
The following issues will be discussed too:
- Topical issues related to insufficient control of asthma and COPD.
- Modern opportunities improving the results of baseline treatment of asthma and COPD in relation to unique delivery device and high patient compliance.
- Nebulizer therapy as an exclusive access to the target affected organ in case of acute broncho-obstructive diseases.
- Inhalation therapy as an exclusive access to the target affected organ in case of asthma and broncho-obstructive syndrome caused by ARVI at an early age.
As far as many participants were asking about that we announce additional Section for Phthisiologists on October 13. The experts will discuss methods for treatment of serious patients with tuberculosis; possibility to decrease death rate and to optimize treatment strategy by use of sequential therapy and antituberculosis infusion agents. They will consider special aspects of penetration of antituberculosis agents into the center of infection of patients with CNS TB and selection of drug treatment.
The scientists will analyze safety and efficiency of port catheter during delivery of intensive intravenous chemotherapy for patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. You will get answers to the questions how to detect malabsorption syndromes of patients with tuberculosis. And you will learn what to expect and how to act in case of tuberculosis in the context of pandemic SARS-CoV-2.
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