World-Renowned Scientists Will Speak at the III International Congress on Infusion Therapy

The participation of world-renowned scientists is planned as part of the III International Congress on Infusion Therapy, such as Zbigniew Rybicki and Kai Zacharowski.
Zbigniew Rybicki, Professor, DMSc, PhD, Consultant of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Military Medical Institute (Warsaw, Poland).
Zbigniew Rybicki is the author of textbooks on major aspects of
intensive care, which are benchmarks for many doctors in Eastern
• October 6, 2016 - report "Antibiotic Therapy in
the Problems of Hospital Infections. The Infusion Antibacterial
• October 7, 2016- report "New Look for
Haemorrhagic and Septic Shock with Particular Emphasis on Natural
and Artifitial Fluids Therapy".
Kai Zacharowski, Professor, DMSc, PhD, Director of the
Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy at
the University Hospital in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
The range of his scientific interests extends to the clinical and
general medical aspects of blood transfusion, hemostasis,
immunology, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and
medicine of critical conditions.
Kai Zakharovski is the founder of the Patient Blood Management
Program, a sustainable approach to the storage and use of patient
blood. This study covers over 130,000 patients.
• October 6, 2016 - report "Patient Blood
Management - from the General Practitioner to the Surgical
• October 7, 2016 - report "Patient Blood
Management - a Must Have for Our Patients"(40 min).
Zbigniew Rybicki and Kai Zacharovski will take part in an open discussion "Using Whole Blood: Pro Et Contra", which will start on October 7, 2016 at 15:00. Leading Ukrainian scientists and doctors of various specialties will also take part in the discussion.